Bull sh&%t!

Today I was reminded of the journey of life… the good with the bad…the messiness within the joy…the pain of loving deeply, that also results in hurting deeply. Opening up our hearts by taking off the layers of protection, the layers that have been built by the behaviors we learned in our childhood to survive and cope. Those patterns no longer serve us healthily. Those layers may keep pain at bay, but they also limit our ability to love.

God tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, but He doesn’t outright tell us how much that is going to hurt. The evidence of the suffering is revealed in the Bible, but human nature wants to scoot through the pain and get to the good stuff.

Does anyone else feel this way… when Good Friday comes, I just want it to be over! Holy Saturday feels nice, but Easter Sunday is the bomb dot com. Yes, part of it is that our fasting and suffering from Lent is over but honestly… I saw the Passion of Christ one time and I never want to see it again! The pain is too heavy for this sensitive heart! This sensitive heart just wants to love!

That command is so fun for me… feels like it’s in my DNA, possibly a mother’s heart?… but along with that assignment comes so much suffering that some days the best I can do is tread water… other days I am convinced that the pull of the pain is just going to suck me under. If God doesn’t come down right now and hold me… it’s over.

On those dark days, my life here feels too complete. My heart can’t take anymore. Seriously I plead with God… beam me up Scotty!

I’m not really suicidal and I do not want to make light of that horrific mental pit. That traumatic impact has left huge wounds in people I love, including the ones who decided life was too hard.

But seriously God does show up every single time I cry out in my drowning.

God attempts to reach the ones stuck in the pit of self despair but He is unable to penetrate the wall set solidly in place to protect the wounded heart.

He will need our help to break down the walls.

Make the phone call, send a card, greet a waiter by name, give gratitude to the check out lady, say hi to a neighbor and pause in case they need to talk.

Check on your friends, be a pest and risk them being upset with you, listen to your instincts.

Show love, mercy and kindness whenever you can.

And when you can’t… when you are the one suffering, please allow others to help love you, even if their way is imperfect, which most will be… please consider looking through the human nature and see the love that sits underneath the action. Try to understand that imperfect people want to help and are only capable of doing the best they can.

We can do this, but we must do it together!

The lie of independence is bull shit!

We are created for relationships!

The good the bad and the ugly will interweave with the truth and authenticity of real love.

While we are here, let’s call out some other lies!

Perfectionism is bull shit too!

People pleasing… bull shit!

Unhealthy competition… bull shit!

Comparison… bull shit!

Corrupt capitalism… bull shit!

Broken systems…. Bull shit!

Anyone have any other bull shit to add?

I feel better already!

Stay Blessed Ya’all!


Coping Mechanisms


How do You do that?