A space in which relationships are developed to reveal and empower the message of the Gospel.



During this time of tribulation in which no one is void of suffering, we can easily be pulled into the darkness and remain. God asks us to assist him in revealing His Truth. Every person is a son or daughter of the King. They are deeply loved and created for God's purpose. We, the people who know Him are called to reveal the Light, to be that Light to others, by knowing and living God's promises. Light of Truth will promote this message that we are all One body in Christ. Through blogs, and other sources of engagement (podcasts, retreats, cultural consulting) Light of Truth will create a space in which relationships are developed to reveal and empower the message that we are all asked to promote.



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Hi, I’m Lisa!

My calling is to speak love and hope by presenting a message of "you are loved, and you are created for a purpose" to anyone who will listen. I am working to earn the right to be heard by yearning to understand my audience, in order to speak a language that can be received.