Deep One!

With the world as it is, my thoughts and writings are becoming more deeply rooted. I am not anywhere close to having it all figured out and the deeper I move, the more I recognize how far away from the answers I am. The following paragraphs is a word dump. I’m too tired to clean it up for a more palatable read. Please accept that in this moment I am doing the best I can.

The interior life, the one that sits inside, contains the true self, the Holy Spirit, the soul. Our bodies are the vessels that carry our holy self. The physical nature of our bodies is material. If we get caught on making keeping our physical body as the priority, we are not able to access all truth. When we give the body the too much attention or not enough attention a distraction arises that works as a deterrent of discovery of the soul and its identity. If our identity gets caught outside the body, as in power, appearance, wealth, health, role, victim, addiction etc., the enemy has formed a stronghold to keep us from our first love. The only way to our Creator is through a breaking free of the lies or the strongholds that have been keenly set in motion by the evil one.

When we break through and truly accept an identity in Christ, in the One who loves, in the Truth that we are created by love for love, our soul begins to breath and expands its nature. From the day of our conception, God has placed a yearning from within us to return to Him, like a homing pigeon finding their way back home even from long distances. Our job is to give full access to that yearning and give it an opportunity to grow and reach maturity within our bodies!

When we allow the yearning to connect, when we accept the offer, when we give our fiat, our souls become illuminated. The Holy Spirit then has permission to begin an incredible work inside. The empowering process is an unraveling of sorts that requires grit and patience. We cannot access it through doing more. We must be a receptor. As with any gift, we have a choice. We can upwrap and accept what is inside or we can choose to ignore it. What we cannot do is go buy it or work to attain it though action steps. We don’t know what it is. We can trust that when we receive the gift, it shows us the way to dismantles all of the lies that our human bodies received and accepted from the deceiver and corrects them with truth, love, mercy and grace.

We humans are suffering greatly due to misunderstandings concerning our body mind and soul. Physically we have been exposed to so many unnatural behaviors. Our eating habits, addictions to body image, body dysmorphia, unhealthy reliance on pharmaceuticals are just a few of the many factors that increase cancer, injuries, chronic diseases.
Emotionally we have been in a season of running and hiding, the physical body keeps the score. Emotions get trapped when they are not processed. They linger inside our cells. The buildup leads to many mental illnesses, depression, intense anger, isolation, and anxiety are just a few of the many ways that we have not been kind to our emotions and feelings.
Spiritually we are in great need of revival, a pouring out of the Holy Spirit to help us heal and return to the One who loves!

Do we deserve it? No. We have been lost for a long time and we as humans have made mistakes upon mistakes upon mistakes. Evidence sits in where the world is now. How did we get here? God knows and He still works relentlessly to encourage us to say yes to being adopted into his family. His desire is to show us the Way. Can we locate the path to freedom? There is only one way. The Creator holds the key.

And Christ, who accepted his path to die for our sins, cried out … it is finished! Meaning He paid the price to make us worthy in all of our unworthiness!
So even when our bodies are filled with disease, and our emotions are keeping us in a prison in our own minds, and we have not given permission to our souls to begin to come alive, even then…Christ gave all! He completely sacrificed his whole body, mind, and soul to prove his love and dedication to his lost sheep!
Shouldn’t that be enough!
If Christ said … it is finished!
Then it is finished!
No matter what our minds tell us,
no matter what our bodies say,
Christs proclams victory!
He defeated the enemy, once and for all!

What does He ask of us? To accept what He says is true.
To believe it! To receive it! To trust it!

You are loved! You are worthy! You are enough!

I understand that this is so hard to believe when the world has been shooting so many falsehoods at you. The enemy is relentless. He knows his days are numbered. He knows he is running out of time.

But seriously why not try?

How has life been working for ya?
Are you ready to welcome an incredible power into your life that will take you beyond your greatest dreams?

Please say yes!
And then rest in the Lord!
He’s got ya! He will do the heavy lifting! He will open the doors. He will need time but He will guide your steps with love mercy and grace!

Stay blessed ya’all!


Looking Deeper inside the Mirror


IDKY (I don’t know yet)