Class Reunion…hmmm?

Why attend the 40th class reunion?

Many reasons come to mind as to why one would not attend a reunion, not enough time, not enough of a connection, moved on and away, not worth the trouble, unforgiveness, bad memories, leaving the past behind, or simply another commitment.

Recently the class of 1982 acknowledged we are 4 decades beyond those days of our unsettled, unpredictable youth. Much has occurred during those 40 years, heartbreak and celebrations, broken dreams and broken lives, successful careers and learning opportunities. Group survival that includes Sept 11th, wars, political and racial divisions, a pandemic and if it applies, I will add teenage parenting. All having impact as to who we are today.

A list of the personal encounters that brought a joyful energy to my processing time is written below.

-An impressively organized friend needed the opportunity to display her high school paraphernalia, including yearbooks, school newspapers, buttons, senior photos and more.

-Walking in with a classmate who rode his bike to the reunion and talked of his dedication in playing the local Santa during the holidays, with a huge smile on his face and some ‘hohoho’s’ thrown in between his sentences

-The classmate that I was assigned to talk to, by my group of friends in order to gather info, shares his remarkable experience of caring for his ailing father during the final chapter of life.

-To learn that people who move from NYC to Florida have a big transition in owning a home as they order a deep freezer and have placed it where the refrigerator is meant to go.

-A close friend is suffering due to a relational conflict… she needs to vent and later shows up hair flipping on the dance floor

-A mother needs to share that her high school son has won his doubles match and will be playing in the state tournament.

- The opportunity to thank our valedictorian for the creative stories he used to share with me as we walked from homeroom to class, a very sweet memory!

-A classmate who is now blind needed some time on the dance floor in a safe place with many friends there to guide him.

-A incredibly active friend arrived after a long day of entertaining bringing an even greater energy to the evening.

-A retired friend celebrated her new freedom by dancing by herself on the dance floor.

-A camping friend shared that her son, who bravely served our country, suffered when he returned home from all he had experienced. She was so happy to say that he is back on track… healing and enjoying life again… what a sacrifice the brave souls who protect our country make!

-A talented artist reminded us of her skills, with her beautiful handwriting and design work sprinkled throughout the event.

-The chair of the event needed care and support from classmates as he fell ill during the reunion.

-The friend who has always had skill in culinary prepared a most fabulous catered meal.

-An absent classmate made some delicious cookies.

-An old teammate shared her new business venture and seemed to be gaining energy in her career as an entrepreneur, using creative ways to build exposure.

-When a classmate shared the recent loss of his father, we were able to share the “sitting in the suck” of grief as my father also passed recently.

-A brave soul who lost her husband only 3 weeks prior felt safe to attend and realistically share her pain.

-Some classmates get prettier with age!

-Everyone seems nicer.

-A moment of silence for those who have gone to their heavenly home gives an opportunity to reflect on memories of them and a reminder to remember them in prayer.

-Dancing to songs that instantly take you back is for the most part, a joyful recall.

-Checking in on a friend who shares the role of adoptive parent, we were able to share the struggle of loving kids who have experienced a great pain in their life.

-Appreciating spouses of classmates that come to the class reunion and actually enjoy themselves and the ones who decide to stay home so their significant others can fully participate.

-Reassuring a friend who may not feel comfortable with a physical burden that she is experiencing that she looks fabulous, because she does!

-Listening to classmates share the joy of Grandkids.

-Other classmates were there in spite of the challenges of taking care of their parents or other family members in need of assistance.

-Feeling such gratitude about having no teenagers in my house as I hear stories of classmates still raising kids… where do they get the strength?

-Seeing classmates find happiness after the first marriage didn’t work out.

-Feeling appreciation that I married a classmate!

One close friend who thrives on relations even more than I do, made it clear not to interact with her at the event. She had too many other people to visit with, that she doesn’t normally get to talk to…she reassured me that we would have a debrief… that’s the motivation behind this list… I hope she took notes because our brains aren’t quite as sharp as they used to be!

To the ones who weren’t there-the ones who grieve, the ones who I have recently grieved with, the ones battling cancer or other health issues that limit you from enjoying the company of others, the ones who don’t feel welcome, the ones who wish life were different, and the ones who are lonely, the ones who live in Florida, New Mexico, California or Washington DC, please consider coming in 2027. Your presence could only add to the stories and the experience.

With 5 more years for us to grow up, 5 more years to truly learn that life is about relationships, and 5 more years to heal the pain of our past, we can gather together to make the world a little bit brighter. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that we need each other, the good, the bad and the ugly. God did not intend for his people to go it alone. Your purpose for coming may not be evident until later. Someone may need you there or maybe you need someone there… or maybe both or maybe neither? No one knows.

In our debrief, the day following the event, with yearbooks as our resource, I was disappointed that I didn’t recognize a few classmates that were present and therefore wasn’t able to have a conversation with them. Others were able to give me a brief update, but I sure hope they come to the next one! I have lots of questions!


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