Cleaning the Inside

If we clean up the inside, everything on the outside becomes clean. When we work on our self, changing broken patterns of behavior, breaking down systems of lies and replacing them with the truth of God’s Word, it gives birth to our true self. The unique person, who God created us to be, then builds and gains strength to complete the purpose intended for us from the day we were conceived.

What does it look like to clean the inside? Maybe animals can give us some insight?

Animals are an incredible gift on earth. Last night I got stuck on TikTok watching wild animals reunite with the people who helped raise them. I just love those homecomings that reflect only love when it’s quite possible that the wild beasts, gorillas, lions, and elephants could have returned to its animal instincts and killed their previous caregivers. These animals express affection in incredibly special displays. They hug and cuddle in ways that feel human like.

How can this be?

Doesn’t God tell us that love conquers all?

Animals too?

I believe it to be true…

Dog is God spelled backwards. I don’t think that’s coincidence. Our family has enjoyed loving 4 different dogs, each with its own purpose. Each one of them has brought a new dimension of energy into our homes. Not all of that energy is enjoyable but we choose to allow the good outweigh the bad.

All of our dogs were rescued, two of them came with more baggage than the other two. All of them are emotional support (whether certified or not) and all of them are loved!

Saying goodbye to any of these animals is gut wrenching. Two of our dogs are in heaven waiting at the rainbow bridge. I must believe we will see them again because heaven without animals would be boring and I know heaven is anything but!

Lately I know of two friends that went to great extremes to keep their beloved pets alive. They changed diapers and postponed trips to take care of their special friend. We don’t want them to leave in the same way as we don’t want the people we love to leave. Grief is extremely heartbreaking.

This morning, our current rescue is going absolutely crazy that we have an intruder in our yard. Stella is knocking off cushions, barking at the top of her lungs, running all over the house to find an exit so she can make sure that this ‘dangerous concrete repairman who is just trying to give us a quote on our driveway’ understands that she will protect our family at all costs! She will growl and if necessary she will bite because her job is to keep us safe from dangerous outsiders!

Oh this behavior is a stressor! In her mind she has a job to do and she takes it very personally. The abuse she experienced before living with us made her afraid of almost everything.

My mind wants to be upset with her because she has interrupted my quiet time but my heart reminds me of how lucky we are to have her in our lives.

Before she came to live with us she was abused and misused. Because of that experience she is temperamental but will do anything for love. Love motivates her. When I raise my voice in an upset expression she comes to me with ears back. Then I love on her and the barking stops and she settles down in a place a rest.

When anyone in the house is suffering emotionally she stays by their side, allowing cuddles and tears to fall.

When a kitten is born unexpectedly she is there to lick the mama cat in her distress.

When the cats become too curious, she will startle them back into a safe place.

When she knows she’s done something wrong like having or causing an accident in the house she shows remorse by hiding in the closet with ears back.

She always goes willingly into her kennel because that is her safe place.

She warns us if she senses danger. We do not need a security system.

She has protected us from people with ill intent and she’s also protected us from people without ill intent.

She has also sacrificed her own peace in order to help her caregiver in need.

Stella is a dog who suffered greatly in her early years but her purpose in our life is one I wouldn’t want to live without.

The painful memories of her youth are being replaced with the feelings of love and appreciation that we have for her.

The trauma she experienced is healing and a beautiful, a sweet heart is now showing itself in her reactions. This process is continuing to develop, and we are not perfect at it, but life is settling a bit, and she is more predictable and less aggressive.

Stella is being cleansed from the inside. We humans are helping her on her journey.

What if we humans grew to understand our value of impacting ourselves and others?

What if we spent more time cleaning up our own false narratives running around in our head? the ones that possibly were needed at one time but now are getting in our way of purpose.

What if we saw the people we love in their whole context and not just when then are obnoxiously barking or biting others due to their fears and unhealed wounds?

Is that what it means when we are told if we clean the inside, to heal the wounds of false beliefs?

When our inside cleans up does that mean we view the world with a different lense? that what we once saw as dirty or wrong might look different and may not be the way our unclean minds perceived them?

If God can clean up the troubled mind of a dog, couldn’t He do it with people?

I believe He can, and He will!

He is that Good!

He tells us to love others as we love ourselves (notice there are 2 parts to that command)

Stay Blessed!


The Gift of Being Childlike


Talking to Myself!