God is Up to Something!

As the world continues to spiral out of control, I continue to dive into social media. I know, I know, that’s a crazy place to get sucked into. I do try to limit myself and use it for educational and entertainment purposes, according to my identity as a child of God.

The descriptive terms that are a part of my bio are faith, psychology, animals, children, music, poetry and art. At night when I can’t find anything on tv (basically because I don’t know how to use the darn thing) I sit down and scroll. America’s Got Talent, Knucklebump farms, Simon Sinok, C. S. Lewis, Priscilla Shirer, Bob Goff, Baseball bloopers, Caitlin Clark, Russell Brand and Jewel are just a few of the influencers that I look forward to hearing from.

Listening to musical talent that reveals bravery, watching people with impressive knowledge and skills, laughing with the ones who laugh, enjoying the wonderful gift of animals, and observing people on their faith journey are just a few of the things I delight in.

Perhaps my biggest addiction is learning. I love to learn from super smart people and find myself following people that I can primarily agree with even if I cannot come close to comprehending all that they are expressing. 

I like to learn by observing the speakers directly. I also like to watch interpretations because that causes me to decide what I agree with and what I don’t agree with, forcing me to understand my own beliefs.

AI sends me people who may or may not speak the language that I can connect with and receive. I can sense when AI is taking me in the wrong direction. The videos begin to raise my anxiety and cause fear. That’s my red flag. Time to shut down the social media.

This political scene has me so confused that I usually avoid it, which will be a big problem at election time because I don’t trust anyone of the talking heads… they all have figured out the right words to say but where is the truth in it all? I really struggle to see it. So, I keep my joy by avoiding political posts and yet sometimes they sneak in.

The other night this happened. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist and professor, is one I began following during Covid. His humility and desire for truth really captivate me. He was conducting an interview with Elon Musk, who I don’t know a whole lot about. I do know one thing these men are in the top percentile of intelligence. They are super smart. 

The conversation became political, and I did find it interesting but that is not the reason for this writing. I cannot locate the part of the interview that has kept my mind contemplating for days! Seriously I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about what they said.

I wish I could rewatch it to describe it more clearly, but you’ll just have to trust my interpretation. 

Jordan Peterson who has 2 children is talking to Elon about his 12 children. Jordan then says something unexpected and profound. He declares that the greatest way to observe the world and learn about it, is through the eyes of children. Children see the world through a clear uncomplicated, untarnished, untraumatized lens.

As we mature in our personal ego drama, as we grow in our adulthood, we lose the raw and authentic beauty and innocence witnessed through the eyes of a child. 

These men appear curious, not defensive, seeking truth, and now they see the incredible beauty inside children! 

Isn’t that what Jesus tells us? To be child like! Unless we become like children we cannot enter the kingdom!

Could these freaky smart men be humble enough to recognize what many mothers have known since the beginning of time? How incredible and wise the innocent are? The value and importance of making children feel seen and heard and loved.

They seem to be talking like Jesus.

Could they be discovering Truth in their inquisitive minds? Could this kind of thinking change the lie that began so long ago that children should be seen but not heard?

God has used people like this before…

Peter and Paul…

JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis…

Maya and Oprah…

I can’t possibly know this for sure when there is so much, I don’t know.

I do know this for sure… God is up to something Big!

Isn’t it fun to consider?

Stay Blessed!



How do we find truth?


Are you a butterfly, yet?