Measuring Time

Recently my husband and I purchased a property in beautiful Brown County with rolling hills and loads of greenery! When I drive up to the log cabin, I remain in awe that we get to stay here whenever we choose.

Outside and inside furniture has all been repurposed from our home or from the generosity of others. The cabin and its contents, hold stories from the discarded property of friends moving, an estate giveaway from the passing away of our neighbor’s sister, gifts from family who has enjoyed the place, and a few items from the previous owners, and it is so good!

When I am at the cabin the whole world feels different. A peace overshadows the worry, a slower pace allows time for curiosity and sleepless nights no longer take ahold.

Is it the oxygen from the trees?

Is it the wandering in the woods?

Is it the decreased attention to household chores?

Is it the friendliness of almost everyone we meet?

Is it the new adventures and opportunities to spend quality TIME with those we care about?

All of the above!

But what about…

The copperheads,

The leak in the pipe,

The washed out driveway,

The critters who steal the bird food

The poison Ivy,

The painful news of someone you care about clinging to life by a thread…

Life continues to move at a rapid pace filled with fear, worry and suffering. It’s not an escape. It’s not a denial. It’s more like a place to manage life, a place to regain balance, a place to choose what is the best way to spend time.

Don calls this get away habitat, a place to disconnect and reconnect! That is so good!

Yesterday, a handyman who was recommended by the local hardware store came by to give some needed assistance for some projects we are not equipped to tackle.

For those of you that know me this will be of no surprise. We spent more time in conversation than he did in analyzing the projects. Our conversations were rich, energy enhancing and relational. I have been reflecting on that conversation for many reasons but one particular dialogue keeps churning in my mind.

The handyman shared a little of his story. He was as a car salesman. When he sold a car to a man in construction, he asked the man for a job. The man was reluctant but ended up hiring him. He worked construction for years and built up many skills and much knowledge. He described himself as efficient and competent.

Efficiency and competence can present issues if you work with a team. Others may not like that you complete the tasks early. It may make them look bad. A competition arises that can get in the way of productivity. The efficient and affective worker is usually asks to carry more of the load to help the team and most of the time they comply but after a while they may feel as if they are being taken advantage of. The reward of their dedication brings about more work. Eventually the job loses its fulfillment, burn out sets in and it’s time to move on.

Mr. Handyman decided to go out on his own. He started his own business and chose to generate an income on his own terms. He shared a recent story that disturbed him. A lady hired him for a project. She was quoted a price and she accepted it. He completed the project and went even further by adding some additional value to the repair. When the project was complete, she was thrilled with the results. However, she had a slight problem. Because the project didn’t take as long as he projected, as he completed it earlier than expected, she did not want to give him the agreed upon money. She felt she was overpaying…


Because he finished early she didn’t owe him as much?

Who gets to decide how much his time is worth? I’m so curious to find out what the lady’s income source was… was she paid hourly or did she have a degree so it made her time more valuable?

Shouldn’t he have the right to charge for a project and not be questioned? What about his experience? The time he spends that we don’t see, gathering materials, researching products etc.


That word again!

Mr handyman shared with me another important factor. He gets filled with energy through conversations! He enjoys going out giving quotes, educating others and getting to know people.

What about that time? Some people might not recognize the value of a lonely widow engaging in a conversation that helps her feel seen, the importance of building trust in the one you are hiring, or the incredible value of walking through life finding interaction with others as an enriching way to learn and grow.

Two weeks ago, when I met Mr. exterminator who is helping us figure out how to live with the forest and not against it, he expressed that he never planned to retire. This informative and relational man has been in the business for his entire career and after raising 9 children he is not even close to burnout. How does that happen? My guess… he has chosen how to wisely spend his time.


Being at the cabin feels different because the time pressure that comes with living in the city is lifted. When I wake up, I get to choose how to spend my time!

Chores need to be done but what is priority?

Do I want to write, read, do a puzzle, and play guitar, call a friend or walk in the woods?

It’s ok that the lawn furniture may hold some cobwebs.

It’s ok that there is very little food in the fridge.

It’s ok that there are weeds where they don’t belong.

It’s ok that some dead bugs haven’t yet been disposed of.

Time is the only resource that I can think of that does not discriminate. No matter how much money you have, no matter what country you live in, no matter what circumstances you are facing, time is the same for all.

The only time that truly matters is the present time. How do you choose to spend your time? I realize that some of you are in seasons where  it feels like you really have limited or no options, according to the tasks on your plate that are needed for living.

Ask yourself this question, am I using my time well according to who I am and what I’ve been created to be! Am I building skills that align with my purpose! Am I enjoying my time?

If some answers came up as ‘no’, now is the time to pivot and move in the right direction!

Right now! It can be so simple.

When I reflect on my day, I ask myself, was my time well spent? If I am feeling a peace, the answer is yes…if I am unsettled, I try to pull forth the reason and consider how I can do better.

On the days where I carry peace. I have usually experienced quality time with others, productive time with myself and limited screen time!

Can you think of 3 things that you can use to measure if you spend your time well?

Everyone will be unique according to what sits inside their heart!

Carve out some time to contemplate this intention! You will not regret it!

Stay Blessed!


Oh, What a World!

