Truth about Systems


Truth through the Word

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light

And yet each one of us has our own personal Truth… the identity and purpose placed within us by our Creator.

How do we activate this, Truth? Through knowing our identity and purpose and aligning it with The Word…When this connection occurs, we move into the flow of the current of the river…moving freely without effort… the yoke feels easy, the burden is light… even during times of suffering and grief, joy can be located.

When the truth is not aligned, we get caught in distracting tributaries, crash into rocks, and become stagnant in still waters.

As we are discovering our Truth, we find ourselves living and learning in systems. These groups of belonging help us feel safe. We feel connected with the values. We find out more about who we are … wearing uniforms, defending the structure, and growing in confidence due to shared beliefs, fitting in.

But systems are limiting…and with each entity we are going to run into some disagreement or misalignment…

When this occurs, we must choose what action to take…Ignoring the conflict will only lead to troubled waters downstream.

No worldly system will ever be enough, in the end only the Truth of the Creator will remain.

When we reach the place in the system that no longer fits our personal truth, a hard decision is required…

Do we leave it?

Do we stay and conform to it, dismissing our own truth?

Do we accept our truth, honestly and navigate accordingly?

… the third option… not needing to choose or reject a system but accepting that we have reached the point when our internal compass is being challenged by the limitations of the human structures…? The struggle is real. Bravery is required. Can we accept the space of our own inefficiencies to submit to a power greater than our own?

Systems aren’t bad. They are necessary. When we listen to the authority of the system more than we listen to the voice of our Creator, violent storms within us, gain strength and grow in intensity. The waters become muddy with suffering, confusion, division, anger and hatred.

All systems …

Family culture

Faith practice

Political ideology 

Sexual identity

Racial constraints 

Social acceptance

Intellectual circles

Are limiting and of this world… the labels, the pursuit of fitting in, the place of belonging will all reach a point in which our personal identity and purpose will not be fulfilled.

We feel lonely, lost, defeated, and disappointed, yet to experience peace and freedom in this world we must move through that worldly place of not belonging…

We must break through…

Once we begin falling upward… the spirit within acquires access and our lives regain the power of the current… 

We no longer strive to reach the destiny of our own wanting; we now learn that receiving that destiny by accepting God’s will becomes more about using the power of the current instead of swimming against it…

When we discover this Truth, we no longer wrestle until our hip breaks, we no longer need the mask hiding who we really are, we no longer need to listen to any voice that whispers shame or blame (that is not the voice of God), we become free to be who we were created to be, all along, a child of God, beautifully and wonderfully made, with a good purpose, and a future filled with Love, Grace and Mercy.

This journey will contain rapids and assuredly the process itself is not swift. The vessel in which we move will be called Patience and Waiting…it will take the rest of our lifetime.

We are all individual parts with different purposes, different gifts…

We weren’t made to be controlled by systems.

We were never intended to fit in.

We were made to stand out.

Each person is necessary for the body to be complete and work efficiently, God’s intention from the beginning for every child of God to become perfectly one.

All needed for the good of the whole, no matter how big or how small, no matter how educated or uneducated, no matter how holy or how sinful, no matter how loved or unloved…

Christ came to endure unjust suffering (all suffering is unjust) and die on that cross for every single one of us! What kind of Love is that? One our human minds cannot even begin to understand.

He promises to be with us always… until the end of time. No system will ever be able to make a promise that!


Best Friends (1)

