
Language, conversations, requests, prayers, processing, expressing emotions, freeing the bondage, worship, strengthening relationships, and love become alive in authentic conversations.

Words can be so empowering, so edifying, so revealing, and so healing.

And they can be frightening as well! As I complete the editing portion of my book I am looking into the future as to what happens next. To be quite frank I did not anticipate this rise in anxiety. I am in awe that this project is coming to fruition and it does feel like quite an accomplishment. So many have helped me yet I am the one responsible. At the end of the day, I own it, if something goes cattywampus, I am the one who made the decision.

Honestly when I think about people reading it I want to vomit. Can I just sell the books to cover my costs and ask people not to read it? Fear is moving in. I feel so vulnerable. What if the world hates it?

What if some people get upset with my comments?

What if I get dropped from the group?

These thoughts hadn’t been swimming in my head for a long time.

I need someone to calm me down.

Allow my mind to shift here (probably a coping mechanism of distraction but hey whatever works, right?)…

Why then did Mother Teresa say to preach the gospel but only use words when necessary. Is there a deeper communication space than language can express?

When you lose a loved one, when you need to make a decision that impacts lives, when you give birth, when you suffer at the hands of others, when you are in trauma, when anxiety consumes you, when depression sucks you under, when the joy in the soul is on overflow, words are hard to find.

But Being Present is enough when it comes to preaching the gospel. Just being there physically or emotionally helps to send the message that you are not alone.  What you are going through cannot be put into words, that’s ok, just be. Don’t resist or reject the emotions. But I will sit with you in the suck, or celebrate with you in the awe. The younger generation calls this kind of relationship ride or die… it’s deeper than a best friend. I’m not sure if our generation has a term for it. Maybe the perfect love of a mother or father, and yet we are all imperfect.

At other times our language can cause great harm to others. Perhaps we get into trouble when we keep talking when it’s time to listen. When we are in need of being seen or being heard because we ourselves feel invisible (been there). Our hurting hearts articulating words through our pain, our wounded self, our false self that believes the lies we have accepted, to play in our heads.

When we are our best self, our true self, we can find compassion for others, empathy in the suffering and happiness in the celebration.

When we are our injured self, our false self, we can’t find compassion. instead we may look for blame… if they hadn’t done this, that wouldn’t have happened.

We can’t locate empathy because shame rises its ugly head creating a record like they must not have worked hard enough; they aren’t following the rules.

When others celebrate, a jealousy arises… why them, why not me? They have a great life, I’m a failure.

Our battle is not against flesh and blood It is against the principalities of darkness..

What does that mean?

People aren’t our problem… the lies we have learned to believe are…

If you hear or feel shame, blame, guilt, jealousy, less than, unworthiness, chaos, confusion, division, hatred… the darkness is in the room. Not in the person or people you are with, but in the energy. If you know this, you can manage it…it becomes a power source of defense.

When you become aware of this record in your head being turned on by the forces of the enemy, work to shift your thinking to Holy recordings…

The messages from God

You are Loved

You are Chosen

You are Worthy

You are Created for a purpose

You are never alone

I will protect you

I will hold you

I will cry with you

I will laugh with you!

(Am I giving myself my own pep talk here?)

We may not be able to change the circumstances we are in, but we are given the incredible power to be adopted into Gods family…


We need to say yes and receive his merciful offering.

Then the faith journey becomes illuminated. He then invites us bit by bit to live ignited.

Follow Him.

Read his Word.

Reject the lies.

Seek truth.

Trust him.

Start today and do not look back! If you have already started, this is your pep talk to keep pressing on!

Remember shame, blame, and guilt are not from God! He wants you to thrive, to find the freedom you deserve and to love and to be Loved!

At the end of our life, the only thing that will remain is Love! Why not bring take advantage of God’s offer to bring his kingdom down now… through Love!

Miracles are presently being poured out in the midst of such great suffering! I hope you see them too!

In conclusions I guess a book isn’t really a book if no one reads it. I must complete this journey. Please pray for me!

Stay Blessed!


What Can You Do?


Inappropriate Time for Laughter