Do you hear what I hear?

Whoever has ears ought to hear. Mt 11;15
What do we listen for?

I believe one possible answer to that question may come from Isaiah 41:13 … I am the Lord, your God who grasps your right hand… it is I who say to you, fear not, I will help you.

Scripture goes on to provide evidence in words to give us permission to listen and believe that it is true.

How is “hear” defined?

The dictionary provides many meanings for this simple, taken for granted, word.

“To perceive by ear; To learn by ear or being told; To take or listen to the evidence of a testimony.”

Hearing is a deeper level of listening. When we listen, we get to choose the degree of value by how tuned in we are. When we are completely present in our circumstances, we can grasp the ideas being expressed to a greater capacity.

Because God is constantly reaching out to us in His desire for relationship, why is it so hard to hear him?

He sits in the still small voice.

The world in which we live… busyness, distractions, to do lists, stress, even Christmas music can just add to the pollution in the airways. If we aren’t enjoying the ambiance, it just becomes additional babble …providing our minds with so many noises and sensory stimulation makes it is challenging to find the quiet.

Silence must be intentionally sought.

How can Christmas music be noise pollution? When no one is hearing it… when no one is listening.

The Christmas tree can be just another decoration gathering dust and creating additional stress when that middle strand of colored lights decides to stop glowing.

Gifts can lose their value when the urgency of locating the perfect one overpowers the intention of love.

Last week at Mass, my body was incredibly weak for a multitude of reasons. With a blown out back and a worried mind, I could only find enough strength to listen. With my eyes closed I realized that it kept my overactive mind from wandering and allowed my thoughts to absorb the scripture, enjoy the homily and feel the music. Without the distractions of that adorable baby, or that elderly couple that seems downhearted, or that choir member that may be a little too expressive for my taste, I was able to consume the message to a greater capacity. My eyes were not taking my mind to the distractions.

To experience God in such a profound way was incredible! He came in that still small voice. With my ears focused, He gave me some answers to prayers that have been heavy on my mind. My challenges were not fixed. They did not disappear. The download that calmed my anxious heart was that comfort will come, God is patient with me, and a way is being prepared. I need not worry.

The conversation connection in my prayerful mind was amplified! I truly felt in relationship with The Lord. When Holy Communion came the spirit of awe and joy filled me deeply and I received the Eucharist with humility, and with joy. The smile on my face was attempting to hide the physical and emotional pain that was weighing me down. The heaviness my body was experiencing did not ease but my heart felt seen and loved and hope was increasing.

The dawn is coming. The sun will shine again.

I left with a knowing that God’s got it. He’s got me. He’s got all the ones I love and worry about. I can rest.

Rest, doesn’t that sound like a drink of fresh cold water for a thirsty soul or perhaps a deep breath for those struggling to keep their head above water.

When we pay attention to what is happening around us, God can deliver his loving, merciful plans in very profound ways. He speaks through unique and hidden languages.

Currently a friend is teaching me how he speaks through numbers! I did not have this knowledge a month ago, but I must reluctantly admit I am beginning to enjoy the complicated and unlimited voice of numbers. It feels like a secret holy language has been discovered. This may not be new to some, but it is new to me.

On the Friday before my experience at mass, while sitting in a delightful coffee shop, my attention was drawn to a picture on the wall. The framed art presented a pencil drawing of a butterfly that had emerged from her cocoon. The remnants of the metamorphosis remained on the bottom of the scene. Written in small words was “Creature of the Creator #15.

Curious about that number, I texted my new teacher and inquired as to the meaning of the number 15. She responded with one word….rest.

The thought of rest is so appealing, cold water, deep breath!

How many languages can God communicate in? I don’t think the human mind is capable of knowing.

How can we learn more about the ways God can communicate?

Pay attention and listen…

Mysteries are all around…

Tis the season for Awe…

Do you hear what I hear?

Stay blessed!


Journey to Bethlehem


Mother’s Prayers Matter