Mother’s Prayers Matter

Recently, I was driving past the neighborhood of a friend’s sister who is courageously, battling Lou Gehrig’s disease. Whenever I pass the area, I shoot up a prayer, as the burdens on that family have been so overwhelming these past few years. Beth, my friend, continues to be loyally dedicated to her job, that supports nonprofits who help the community of Indianapolis, and her friends, that she checks on often. On top of those time-consuming actions, she prioritizes her availability for her kids and family. Beth pursues extreme measures that go above and beyond to make sure the people she loves, know how valuable they are.

During my prayer shoutout I posed a question… how does she do it?

In my head, I heard… the prayers of her mother.

I never knew her mom personally but had heard enough to know that this was a profound moment of truth.

Wow what an impressive mother! Even though she now resides in her heavenly home, her prayers continue to pour out love and support.

My thoughts didn’t stop there. My next question was.. so that’s how valuable Mothers prayers are???

I became overwhelmed with tears as the answer is one I needed desperately in that moment.

With a very heavy Mama’s heart I believe God was revealing to me in real time that my prayers for my kids are not wasted and will bring value for years to come.

Beth and I communicate often through Marco Polo. With ugly tears I told her the story of what I heard. It was embarrassing yet authentic. During these times communicating is key! Luckily, with all of the busyness that surrounds us, we have many options to send our messages. Turns out she was having a day herself and it’s possible the emotional MP I sent was just a reminder that she’s not alone.

God speaking to both of us in our own need to feel seen!

Today is Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which just so happens to be Beth’s mother’s birthday… it may not be shocking that her name is Mary.

Leave it to God to wrap this message up in a sweet red bow!

Look for the Awe! Tis the season!

And keep praying Mamas!


Do you hear what I hear?


A Pivot of Gratitude