A MM (minor miracle) at the OPP

A MM at the OPP (A minor miracle at the overnight pony party) 

During my freshman year of college, a friend and I were planning a girl’s gathering for our high school friends to reconnect during summer break. Between classes while watching Judge Wapner, The People’s Court, in the dorm room, we anxiously awaited the case of “The Overnight Pony party”. The ruling in the case has been forgotten but title remains active.  The first OPP, that we now use as an acronym for our event, was held in the summer of 1983. In February 2022, the 21st OPP, we celebrated once again another year of friendships. 

Fifteen girls make a consistent effort to come. The word “girls” is used purposefully because the weekend takes us back to our younger days, a time to escape responsibility, to be ourselves, temporarily taking off any hats we may wear and have fun. Food and beverages are places of indulgence. Breakfast casseroles, cinnamon coffee cake, Italian dinners, soups, salads, favorite dips (Texas caviar, avocado), Cake Bake (when there isn’t time to bake), Crumble cookies, Tell City pretzels and Chex mix, caramel brownies and candy are just a few of the staples. Dancing, laughter, hiking, and yoga help make burn off the excess of food and drink making room for more. Coffee Talk and meetings in the “office” make room for deep personal conversations although they are not limited to those spaces. Scrabble, Euchre, Cinch, dominos, and Heads up have been part of the entertainment. Wine tasting, Word of the Year bracelets, book discussion, sledding on blow up mattresses, Zombie movie watching and creating Tic Tok videos have also been a part of the scene. Surprise visitors are always welcome. 

If you see a photo of the group, you may conclude that we are not very diverse. While this is true ethnically it is not true in life experiences. Our eclectic group of personalities and social circumstances allows us to learn and grow from each other. 

 The group includes women with 

-colleges degrees, master’s degrees and some who located their calling without a degree 

-single, and married, (traditional and nontraditional) and some whose marriages did not play out as planned 

-mothers, grandmothers, and super aunts 

-some have no financial limitations and some who wisely stick to a budget 

-some who have OCD, ADD, PPD, FOMO, and JOMO 

-Exercise fanatics, book addicts, music groupies, and some who feel there is not enough time for a shower today. 

-President of the garden club, Scout leader, gifted decorators, creative culinary skills, and unofficial therapists 

-Some are retired, some approaching retirement, some who may never retire

-Some girls schedule their plans around the weekend. Others come as their schedule allows. 


 Outside of the weekend, us girls are working hard to survive and thrive in these life circumstances of division, anger, trauma, and suffering. Last year due to Covid, we had a shortened one-night version to hold us over. With the world as it is, it was hard to predict what may happen at this year’s event. As expected, there was a lot of celebrating, eating, drinking, dancing, card playing, and talking. When a person needed to share a struggle, friends were there to listen and express compassion. Tears fell and no one ran away. Anger was expressed but not taken personally. Videos were made. Favorites songs were played. Hugs were plentiful. Gifts were exchanged. 

On Thursday a rule had been implemented. It was clear we all had pandemic fatigue and needed a reprieve from the conversation that has been so consuming. If anyone mentioned the C-word (Covid) they were given a consequence. Although there were a few breakthrough rule breakers, for the most part the concept worked well. 

Sunday morning we were sharing the final coffee talk when Covid debate reared its ugly head and snuck into the conversation with the possibility of bringing division into the weekend. 

Did I mention that politically, and procedures around Covid protocol, are other areas of strong opinion and places of diversity of thought within the group? On one side we have science minded, medically impacted, and health conscientious minds. On the other side we have political freedom, medically cautious, and empathetic circumstance minds. All having good reasons for their opinions due to their own life circumstances. 

What happened next feels like somewhat of a miracle. One brave friend made the request to halt the conversation and change the subject. It was obvious that she was suffering with the messiness of the current conversational climate as were others in the room including myself. Guess what?! It worked! Her heartfelt message was received. No one got mad. We just moved away from the topic. Laughter returned. More stories were shared. Each person with permission to be who they are, seen, accepted, and loved without condition, no matter what the differences. 

Life is good and life is hard. Whether we are in a season of celebration or a season of grief or somewhere in between, we show up year after year just doing the best we can. Throughout the years many of us have heard from others, how lucky we are to have these long-lasting friendships. We do not take it for granted and this year, gratitude was magnified through these powerful circumstances. 

God intended us to live in community with each other. We were created to be in relationships, with Him and with others. The world wants us to believe that it’s better to be with the people who always agree with us. To have friendships with those that think like you do, may make life a little easier but easy doesn’t create depth. Our group does have some things in common, but we have wonderful unique personalities and diverse situations as well. The differences are what generates the beauty. Each appreciated for who they are on the inside. Each adding value in their own identity. 

What if the world had more of this? Wouldn’t it be amazing? Wouldn’t it make life so much greater? Putting aside differences to love each other just as they are. We can do it! One day at a time… one step at a time… who do you need to reach out to get your relational ball rolling? Start now! Maybe you have an Overnight Pony Party to plan or to attend? Keep your options open and be ready to say “Yes” or perhaps “Fiat”.







Coach God?


Passenger from Outreach