Coach God?

Coach God 

Why not? He wears a lot of hats why not a coaching one? What if life is like a game that we used to play called Jailbreak? In Jailbreak there are two teams. Using an open field, an imaginary line is drawn down the middle to separate the teams and each home base. Each team has a side and that is their safe space, home base. The intention is to capture all the opponents and put them in a jail cell which is a small circle in the middle of the home space. The way to capture your opponent is to go away from home into enemy territory and tag them. Once someone is tagged, they go to jail and must stay there until they get rescued. A rescue is made if your teammate sneaks safely through enemy territory and tags you while you are in the jail circle. Usually, some members are chosen to guard the jail. The fast and courageous members explore enemy territory rescuing teammates or capturing the opponents to send them to jail. The game ends when all the teammates are captured with no one left to rescue. This game can be played by anyone who can move, so it is fun for all ages, and all skill levels. Some players will have different gifts such as speed, strategy, or creative techniques. All team members are valuable no matter what they can offer. 

Now let us take this setting and label the teams good vs evil. God coaches the good team. Of course, Satan coaches the evil team. God has an incredible play book, filled with strategies, mental strengthening techniques, affirmations, and game plans. God is intentional, predictable, and trustworthy. 

Satan is not. 

 At the end of the day God’s team knows they are to love one another, take care of each other, and make sure no one gets left behind.  

Satan just plans to wing it.  

God has the prepared the team, lays out a strategy and feels confident about the potential that lies within. Time to trust in his captains and believe in his team. They are prepared and ready. Let the game begin. 

As God watches, He knows that his team is going to need to be mentally strong. They will need to remember and trust all they have learned. They will need to dig deep for courage and really believe in themselves and this will not be easy. Teamwork is incredibly valuable. God knows he cannot do it for them. They are equipped to win this battle, but they will make mistakes. They will need to be all in, but they are human. He knows this wholeheartedly but still; He loves them! 

His captains are filled with knowledge and have decided to put all their energy into the strong players, forgetting about the ones who are less talented and skilled. Let us call them the Oppressed. The morale gets low and quite frankly those players do not even mind being in jail because at least they aren’t in the struggle anymore.  

The average players are instructed to go develop skills elsewhere and then come back to be an effective teammate. Even though everyone needs development, some areas of struggle are easier to judge. These players feel rejection when they need support the most. 

This is not part of God’s plan. He made it clear that every teammate is to be valued. No one is to be left behind.  

And then jealousy enters in. Some of the average players are not happy with the attention the skillful players are getting so they begin listening and agreeing with the grumbling and sadness of the ones who have felt rejection. Why should the average players help the admirable players? In seeing the weaker players are not valued, the average players wonder where they fit in? Should they treat others the way they are being treated or according to God’s play book? The talented players remained focused on themselves. The average players now have more in common with the Oppressed. 

Oh boy this game is a mess. Satan’s game plan is working well because Gods’ gifted team members have not stayed true to the plan. They have not loved each other well, nor have they developed a community of support for each other, and many teammates have been left behind. God knows his team has what it takes to win. He still believes in them and constantly seeks opportunities to remind his team of their potential and encourages them to return to the original plan and trust in it. 

In the meantime, many of God’s players have been captured and put into jail, including his leaders. There is a small yet wise group that is adjusting and returning to the playbook. Love, Community, Leave no one behind. 

Is this the time we live in? Pain and suffering are everywhere, including the church, but if we return to the Word, and follow God’s plan we can bring our team mates back to the good side. God created each one of us. He wants us all with him in heaven. The mission of the church should be to rescue as many people from the evil team as possible. 

No questions asked!  

Satan’s play book is not going to succeed. He is not creative. He is in the middle of the lies and the confusion and division. He knows his time is limited, and he is determined is to take as many humans down as possible. If we just recognize his tactics, and turn to God, we can outsmart him.  

Gods got this. There is no doubt who wins but He begs his team to step up. He wants to win big. He wants everyone on the good team. Let us help. Let us find ways to love better, so to release people for Satan’s jail. Let us win more souls for God. That would make our Coach not only proud but filled with joy. He does not want any of his children to be lost. He is counting on us! 

Who is in? 


Step into joy


A MM (minor miracle) at the OPP