Step into joy


For many years, my family has been heading to the panhandle of Florida for vacations. Whether with my husband and kids, my parents and siblings and niece and nephew, or my friends, an area we frequent is Destin. Within this beautiful, white sandy beach, community, a place of refuge for me has been, a hidden and peaceful church. Throughout the years I have either biked or driven to this place of retreat more than a dozen times. Whether I am visiting with a heart of gratitude or a heaviness of suffering it is easy for me to pray and meditate in this sacred place. 

Before entering the church building, you can pass through a forest-like, prayer garden. The garden includes a labyrinth, a Pieta (statue of Mary holding Her son after he dies), an area dedicated to Francis of Assisi and, the magnet that attracts most of my time, a graphically, detailed crucifix. On the wooden cross hangs, a bronze sculpture of the suffering body of Jesus, broken, rigid, and lifeless. This gut-wrenching rendition of the crucifixion can invite intense contemplation. As I ponder His sacrifice, it settles in my soul that He sacrificed every ounce of his being, and He did it for Love. The humility that attempts to settle in, is hard to digest. How could this be? 

On one visit, my troubled mind was consumed by a life altering situation one of my children was experiencing. Sitting on a wooden bench I was sending up fervent prayers. My heart was breaking at the pain I felt was coming. When glancing at the powerful display of the cross, my perspective adjusted. As I was leaving, a peace entered my spirit. God is in control. I am not. 

Several years later I found myself again sitting at the foot of that cross with yet another troubling situation that felt very out of control. I lost track of time, crying out in prayer. After a while I became incredibly thirsty. Although we had attended services here many times, I usually did not enter the church during these prayerful, solitary excursions. Checking the doors, I was pleasantly surprised to find they were unlocked. Before grabbing a drink from the water fountain, I felt an urgent pull to walk into the sun lit sanctuary. Cautiously opening the door, I looked up and noticed a brilliant cross made of stained glass floating in the air, gloriously displayed. My heart filled with joy and in my spirit, I heard...” It is time for you to step out from the foot of the crucified Jesus and into the joy of the resurrection.” At that moment, I could not comprehend the meaning. I just knew something inside of me changed. 

After quenching my thirst both literally and figuratively, I lingered in the narthex, not ready to leave but not sure what to do next. I glanced at a table, where the priest's dog usually laid waiting for the command to come help carry the bible in his mouth in the procession following mass. I noticed the quaint, inviting chapel. What I noticed next still makes me go... Huh?!!! After coming here for years, I never knew the name of the church... I know... right?... how does that happen?... Resurrection Catholic Church. 

Following that visit I intentionally began focusing on a deeper meaning of the Resurrection, never forgetting the pain of the dark, hard, suffering cross yet moving in toward the hope and life that projects in the light of death defeated. This journey is an ongoing life-long process of learning. The suffering in life continues, grief and sorrow are still abounded especially during these last few years with the pandemic. Pain is universal, no one is escaping the new normal brought forth by Covid and now the war in Ukraine. 

The truth is we were never promised a life without pain. No one will escape earth without scars. The reason Jesus came was to show us that we are never alone, and we are created for so much more than this world can offer. He felt every heartache that we could possibly endure and so much more. We can trust Him. The crucifixion gives the witness. 

Where are you in your faith journey? Could it be time for you to investigate the resurrected Christ? What is the message of the Resurrection? Jesus Lives! He wants to live in each one of us in a very personal way. Joy, Hope, Peace, and Love are all accessible, if we seek it. He can bring us these things within the suffering, within the war, within the pandemic, within the grief, within the lost dreams and broken relationships.  

The decision to change and accept this truth is not easy. Demanding work and uncomfortable sacrifice will be necessary. Sometimes it is easy to remain where we are but if you are tired of being tired, if you are ready to find joy, if you are ready for a new season of life filled with love, consider taking the risk. Open your heart and mind to exploring by asking questions.

And if you do, Hold on! It will be a ride like you have never experienced before! A ride where you have just given the keys of an Indy race car to the best driver in the world, one who is incapable of errors. You get to sit in the passenger seat, with complete trust and experience the rush of excitement, without the worry of survival. Trusting and letting go of worry will not happen overnight. Be patient and give yourself grace.  

Jesus came so we may have life and have it abundantly! 

Is it time for you to step out from the foot of the crucified Jesus and move into the joy of the Resurrection? 


Different Purpose, Same Suffering


Coach God?