Eulogy for Joey

Tonight, we come together to say goodbye to Joey, who left the stage in the middle of the song.

Inside of Joey and inside of everyone of us is a diamond. That diamond is meant to shine. When we are little the light and colors within it are brilliant, bright, and shiny. As life moves, things happen that get in the way of the reflections and vibrancy. At first our diamonds become dim, maybe our childhood isn’t easy, maybe we are a victim of something traumatic, circumstances way beyond our control, or maybe life just simply becomes challenging and overwhelming. As these experiences blanket the light around our diamonds, it becomes more challenging to access the freedom we once enjoyed in our sparkling youth. Within that freedom, sits our purpose, the reason we were created. The more that life throws at us, the more layers are placed over the diamond until we don’t even remember that it is there. It becomes hidden. We can no longer see it. We have lost the beauty and the light within.

Yet this light can never die…Our Creator made it that way… on purpose…

no matter what the pain…

no matter what the mistakes or choices…

no matter what we suffer…

the Light always overcomes the darkness…

no matter what…


I saw the light of the diamond, inside of Joey, if only at a brief encounter at Nada, where he worked, and it was incredible, full of energy, joyful, and free.

So often others see the light inside of us that our own minds are blinded from.

When this darkness settles in, it becomes consuming, and every single one of us seek worldly ways to cope with the thoughts that lie to us. Every single one of us!

We are created to live in community. That is where the answer lies, to walk with each one other, to clean the dirt and grime off our diamonds, in unity and according to our ability.

To receive help and to give help.

To reject the lies that are stuck on repeat in our heads. Thoughts that tell us we aren’t good enough, we aren’t worthy, no one cares… they are all lies that come from the darkness and they block the light.

If only Joey could have believed that he too is Loved and created for a purpose. If he could have embraced the community and allowed them to bring some cleanser and polisher to help remove the grime, what could have awaited his future…we will never know…

and yet we can honor him…by keeping his light illuminated in our thoughts and actions.


If your diamond is dark, please allow people to show you light…

If your diamond is dim, just work not to harm others…

If your diamond is beginning to sparkle, allow others to see it…

Come as you are… created for a purpose that only you can do…do not be something you are not… just do the best you can…and please… always reach toward the light… it is the only thing that truly Matters!





Joey Matters