He Leaves the 99

On Friday I was in a gift store when I overheard a fascinating conversation between the employee, Teresa and a man of about 30.

He was praising God. She was fully engaged in the conversation, and it felt as if she had all the time in the world to listen, putting her responsibility of helping customers on the back burner. I felt she might be the owner and was reminded of other shops that I have felt this personal interaction with ease, Finishing Touches in Jasper and Twisted Sister in Indianapolis and The Gratitude Boutique in Fishers.

The conversation had sucked me in. I had a question about a product but was waiting curiously for a break in the beautiful interchange that was occurring.

Teresa’s phone rang and she told the guest to answer it. Upon answering the phone he walked to the back of the store leaving the room we were in. After getting my retail question answered, I admitted I had been eavesdropping and I commented how impressive the interchange has been.

She then told me this story:

The man in the store was the best friend to her son. They both were heroine addicts for 14 years. She and her church has been on their knees praying for these two kids for a very long time. The pastor at her Pentecostal church leads his flock with a mindset of we want our church family here but we also want anyone who isn’t walking with God here too, no matter what their condition. With that leadership she felt comfortable dragging these 2 boys to her church one Sunday morning when they were high… they tried to reject her motherly invitation, but she got them there anyway…. I had to process that… I didn’t know about that concept… I do now…

So on this day she shared with joy that the phone conversation occurring in the other room is the first conversation between these friends since they both began their sober journey. Both are currently living in sober living houses in two different cities for roughly about 6 months. A Holy reconnection!

I’m not sure why I was giving permission to hear this story, but I feel so privileged to know about it…

Addicts attending church services high… God leaves the 99…





Hold On


Joy comes in the Needy!