Hold On

Sitting on a condominium deck in Florida in February on a warm, clear sky, calm sea day, I can get totally sucked into looking in the ocean for treasured sights, dolphins playing, pelicans gliding, birds diving, boats cruising, glorious sunset and even a moonset in the morning. Every day is different and unique to the weather and personality of the ocean. Somedays the ocean can appear angry, with the waves violently crash upon the rocks. Other days the water is so clear one can see a manatee lazily floating by.

Today was a day when an unexpected visual occurred. In the place we are staying the pool does not have a sandy beach between it and the ocean…before the man made wall of the pool deck lies a protective barrier of rocks. The rocks are rough and when I look at them I feel as it they could cause a lot of pain if a person walked on them or got washed up to shore.

To my surprise when I looked down to the water I spotted a man carrying a boy of maybe 5 years old on his back, both fully clothed.

Many questions popped into my head… how did they get there? Are they in trouble? Why are they doing that? My ‘create a story mind’ became active as I watched with concern… making a plan in my mind as to what I was going to do if I sensed they were in trouble…fortunately there was no need to yell at the sunbathers relaxing by the pool, totally unaware that there was an odd situation that was a stone’s throw from them.

On occasion the man would pause on a rock, as if to brace for the current or the wave. The boy was holding on tight but did not seem concerned, trusting the person who was transporting him. The man used his left hand for extra support to secure the boy and his right hand to keep himself steady.

As they slowly made their journey to a destination unknown, my thoughts settled on the question why? Why would anyone do this? The story unfolding in my head was that this was a Father-Son bonding exercise, thinking this is so something my extreme sports friend, Tom would do with his son. 

A father creating an adventure in which he showed his son how much he loved him by building trust in a somewhat (at least for this momma) risky situation. The time must have been precious. I wanted to know what they talked about. I wanted to interview them both to understand more about what was happening.

My heart leapt at the holy vision and the incredible possibilities because I believe that I just watched a sacred interaction…what I saw represents what God, our Father is trying to tell every single one of us…

I got you!

You can trust me!

Let’s talk!

I will get you to your destination!

Yes there may be some bumps, bruises, blood and maybe even broken bones, possible surgery. You may need to brace yourself, rest, but do not fret because that makes my job more challenging, cooperating with the plan is the easier way and I will get you to where you are supposed to go according to my purpose.

Hold on little buddy, you can’t even dream nor comprehend the plans I have for you!

I love you!


Memorable Events at the beach, Some Good, Some Not So Good.


He Leaves the 99