Memorable Events at the beach, Some Good, Some Not So Good.

On our last weekend in Clearwater Beach my husband, Don and I had some memorable dialogues with people we had never met before.

Saturday at the beach contained a conversation with a couple celebrating one year of marriage and the mother with 2 children of young teenage year had never been away from them. They slept most the afternoon. Did you know that Tennessee offers 2 years of college tuition to a community college for those who qualify for college? They can then transfer to another college to complete their degree. Way to go Tennessee! Thank you for helping out youth not start their careers with an abundant amount of depth!

Hanging with some twins about the age of 7, I was soon gifted with seashells and the honor to watch 2 kids playing freely with their day, swimming to their hearts desire with parents who trusted them enough to sit back and wait for them to return to their place at the beach for food or rest.

A young man made many cry when he stopped abruptly in the sand, turned around and asked the unsuspecting women behind him to marry him. The beach cheered as we watched the family gather around with joyful hugs and cameras loaded with photographic evidence of the proposal.

A very active father was chasing around a toddler. They both must have been exhausted at the end of the day! At one point the toddler sat in the sand and the father stepped away and did a back tuck! Evidence that they were enjoying the activity. I felt tired just observing them.

Late in the day a conversation arose with our neighbors on the beach. One lady shared that she fostered children and adopted some. The oldest child was causing a great struggle of rebellion to the whole family, creating chaos while this women attempted to provide a safe home. Her heart was broken as she had to make the best decision for the family to keep her at a distance, protecting the others from the rage the broken child was carrying inside.

Another woman shared her knowledge of being a social worker and the stories that broke her heart.

Another woman worked for veteran affairs, another place of deep hardship.

My husband enjoyed talking to an entrepreneur who shared interesting business info that was new to him.

On Sunday night we were observing our last sunset with a serenity now mindset when a disturbing domestic dispute broke out.  Don called on security, while some ‘mamabears” including myself, made it known to the man that his behavior would not be tolerated. We fought for that girl who sat there quietly and calmly, evidence that she had built up coping responses, most probably from childhood, to protect from the verbal abuse. She pulled her sunglasses down to hide the tears welling in her eyes. The beautiful young woman was on the verge of disassociation, a frightening place to be. My hope is that she felt mama bear love as we made it clear to her perpetrator that that verbal assault was not ok.

To end our trip Don and I decided it best to leave the scene of the unnerving event and grab a quick bite before returning to the condo to finish packing the car in order to leave early in the morning. We just grabbed a seat at the bar in Frenchys. Both of us were not saying much, still processing what just happened. Two couples sitting at the end of the bar were enjoying life, with laughter and joking. Friends who didn’t see each other often enough were joyfully reunited and celebrated that the past was behind them. Sherri shared with me the story of her and her husband sitting in the eye of a hurricane Ian that went right over their community of Cape  Coral. Laurie told of the nightmare traveling experience of just getting to the weekend. They were blowing off steam. Behind the bar sat a box with Dunkin Donuts written on it… Laurie who we quickly learned had an issue with petty theft, really wanted a donut and made it known to the bartender. Finally the bartender, while remaining focused on her job gave Laurie the box… what did she do next? Instead of taking the donut and eating it, she stuffed the whole box and it was a big one, one that could hold a dozen donuts, down her shirt. She not only wanted the donut, she wants the whole box. Who could not laugh? Here she sat with an obvious box in her shirt, carrying on as if nothing was happening. Talking resumed, well ok there may have been a little slurred speech at this time, but she was acting as if this was a natural part of her wardrobe…we thanked these crazy fun loving couples for the entertainment and left to complete our packing, grateful for a release of emotions ending the month with hearts full of gratitude, knowing the world is a deeply wounded place filled with wonderful people, all loved by God, even when they don’t behave. Hearts are in need of healing it can only happen through loving each other…

PS… The man who was being verbally abusive had suffered abuse at the hands of his father. His brother confirmed my suspicions… He was wounded by someone who he was supposed to be able to trust… people do not behave that way unless there is a reason.


Hold Onto Hope


Hold On