Immaculee, an Inspiring Witness

In the shadow of listening to Immaculee Ilibagiza, a survivor of the Rwandan Holocaust, recall her story, I was studying a Gospel reading and stumbled on to a common thread.

In order to survive the horror that engulfed her village, Immaculee sought refuge in a 3x5 bathroom with 8 other women, the evil entity seeking to exterminate her tribe encircled the home in which she hid… the terrorists, with the purpose of eliminating an entire tribe of people, then began yelling to cause fear and force those in hiding to panic and attempt to run… Because the house was surrounded, the perpetrators would then capture anyone trying to escape.

The voices in Immaculee’s head were in conflict… one telling her to stay put, the other telling her to open the bathroom door and run. She silently prayed that if God was listening, He would show proof that He was protecting them.

After the verbal scare tactic, the assailants entered the home searching every inch to find those attempting to survive, including suitcases that could hide an innocent baby. When a pursuer began to turn the knob of the crowded bathroom in which the women were silent, he suddenly turned to the owner of the home and stated… you are a good man, we trust you… no need to look any further… he walked away, leaving the terrified women hidden behind an unopened door.

Luke 17:20-25 includes, “Do not go off, do not run in pursuit,” “The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed and no one will announce, “look, here it is, or “There it is”.

That day Immaculee experienced the power of our Creator. The power that sits inside every single one of us. She said nothing out loud and yet God directly answered her request. At this point she recognized that God does know everything about us, including every thought! She realized that God was her protection. He was her provider. He had a plan, even in the most excruciating circumstances. She had accessed, the Kingdom of God.

We are never alone…the ears and eyes of our heart can hear and see in the darkest of places. There is no place that God does not have access. But He won’t force us into a relationship with Him… we must open our hearts and invite him in. Then look out! For nothing is impossible with God!

Imacullee’s story is one that captured my heart many years ago. Yesterday, to hear it in person only expanded her powerful message of our amazing God even deeper into my soul.

When it comes to people who have impact on who I am, I can be stalkerish in pursuing autographs and photos. At times, my social skills go into hiding and I have been known to even ask for it in a public bathroom (that would be Eva Kor, Holocaust survivor). While getting Immaculee’s book Left to Tell autographed and a photo taken with this amazing and authentic servant, my heart engaged and I heard it say, take no more from her, her energy is low. My mouth listened, by simply saying thank you and then my legs obeyed and walked away. Being in the presence of someone who knows God so profoundly and personally is humbling. I’m super grateful that my instincts kicked in and the Holy moment wasn’t highjacked by my stumbling words.

The Kingdom of God is near, and it is for everyone who wants to know about it. Immaculee gives witness to this Truth in a way that is, at times, challenging to hear. My biggest personal takeaway… If she could forgive the people who took absolutely everything away from her in such a bloody, ruthless, violent, horrific way, how can I not forgive those who have caused me pain? Like Job, she lost everything including all of those she loved. She has earned the authority to give witness to the freedom that occurs when granting forgiveness. Without that freedom she would not be able to speak with such joy, grace and humility. I continue to be in awe of her.

I will honor her suffering by striving to do better.


A Calm in the Wind


The Power of the Pout Dance