Lovely People Everywhere

Lacking time, I made a hurried stop at the mall to get some to do tasks off my list, a birthday gift for my son and some eye shadow. After purchasing the birthday gift, earbuds at the Apple Store, I proceeded to the cosmetic place to buy some makeup. Frequently the friendly employees try to get me to sit down for a consult or work to sell me additional products, so I walked in briskly to give a message that I’m short on time.

While looking at the eye shadow pallets, a man gently approached me to see if I needed help. I quickly said no, relying on my own brain skills to pick out the color which has never worked in the past. I don’t know why I thought it would work on this day. So I ended up changing my mind and decided to accept his offer.

We proceeded to the computer where my info was stored. This young man had tattoos up and down both arms. He had on a conservative black skirt and of course precise and beautifully applied makeup. The tattoos kind of threw me for a loop. I felt a contradiction with his artistry make up skills and the expressive permanent art on the body. Perhaps they go hand in hand. I wasn’t judging just observing.

Because of the new book I am working on, I am hyper focused on speaking the language according to the audience. I try to engage in conversations that are authentic to me and kind to the person I am interacting with. Somedays I succeed. Other days not so much.
He pulled up the list of past purchases and pulled the eye shadow disks out on the counter. I chose the 2 colors I was running low on. He complimented my medium brown choice as the natural one, which actually felt honest and good to me because make up application is not an area of confidence.
We went back to the counter to pay, and I was feeling happy about how the interaction was moving, until…

He asked if I want a bag. I said no. I’ll just throw it in this bag with my son’s bday gift… then and yes I did say this out loud… I said “oh I’d better not, if I forgot about it and give him the makeup, he’ll think I’m crazy.”

We were so close. Sometimes my brain just isn’t able to stop its reflex of over communication and once again I am really wishing I could erase the last sentence that wasn’t necessary and has now possibly offended this kind person.

And then something great happened! He didn’t get offended! He asked me what I bought my son and I told him ear buds. We talked about how much we both loved our own earbuds! I admitted that when I had misplaced mine, I about had a panic attack. He told me he never loses things. He is able to buy expensive sunglasses and similar pricey items because he keeps them for long periods of time. Wow what a gift!
I didn’t know people had that gift! The conversation continued as I admitted that I had bought an expensive pair of sunglasses one time. When I lost them. I concluded that the stress of the matter wasn’t worth it. Cheap sunglasses is what I now buy.

I’m thinking people who don’t lose things should buy expensive sunglasses! The cheap ones break easily!

I learned something new about people. The ones who aren’t afraid to buy expensive sunglasses probably rarely lose them. Opinion adjustment!
We had a great conversation! I left with a light heart and a chuckle in my gut.
What could have been a moment gone south ended up a delightful exchange!

There are lovely people, everywhere! I’m keeping my eyes open for more!
Do you see them?


Reflecting on Mothers Day


Should We Be Careful of Who we Befriend?